Just like all children I painted and drew. And I am still stuck to these activities.
My work helped me to put some order in an intransparent world. Probably the earliest painting I did in an adult way was a wax crayon drawing done at the age of 12. It shows my first unfullfilled love. At that moment it was essential get back the control of my life. Looking at the drawing I can evoke the feelings that dominated me at that moment.
Up till today I work that way. If ever an autobiography of me should be published it will have been made up. I forget a lot and cannot reconstruct my past well.
It could be that it does not mean a lot to me.
My pictures are helping me to get some orientation. What is worrying me I have to give an outer appearance. The more I am distressed the more I have to make myself a picture of it. Therefore my style is mostly realistic. Only that way I have the chance to understand what moves me.
My works are created by watching closely with eyes closed.
Vienna, 2021