Studies for „Slow collapse“, 2022The thing called society 03, 2023„Blue sky“, 2022Ikarus practices, 2022Group meeting, 2021Yachting, Digital, 2020The thin line between laugh and cry, love and die. So that dangling on a string is the best support available. And the weekend has just begun.
The thin line C, Digital, 2020A fantasy about flowers, about East Asian paintings of flowers, adigitally abstract immateriality. The void is at home.
Still Flowers, Digital, 2020And while he was journeying, he came near Damascus; and suddenly he saw a light from heaven shining round him.And he went down on the earth, and a voice said to him.
Damascus, Digital, 2020The thin line A, Digital, 2020The thin line B, Digital, 2020Something biblical B, Digital, 2020Something biblical, Digital, 2020Kind of Eden, Digital, 2020Hiding Horse, Digital, 2020Leave me alone. I don’t want to listen any longer, enough is enough. But in the end not for good. I just need a short break. There is too much left to do.
Fending off 2, Digital, 2020Fending off 1, Digital, 2020